Copyright © V.Skorobogatov, 2006

Some consequences of the 4D-ether model

V. Skorobogatov

Previously four-dimensional ether model [1] has been used for explanation of the negative result of the Michelsom-Morly experiment. It was shown also that in the frame of simple model of atom the quant of light might be treated as a lost part of electron. The way to overcome the wave-particle paradox and the grounds for the de Broyle formula were proposed as well. Here some rather speculative development of the ether model in a form of short thesis is presented for the general description of the various objects starting from macro and ending to those of the micro world.

First of all we try to set the definition of the ether used hereafter more strictly. The ether is the four-dimensional media consisted from the particles of uncertain origin. It forms the matter. There is the only property of the media we may call now, the incompressibility. It means that its behavior seems the one of the ideal fluid. So the term ether stands for the four-dimensional ideal fluid here.

  1. Like an ordinary fluid, the ether must have the border unless it fills all the 4D space. For simplicity, the latter is supposed to be Euclidian. If it is so, the form of the ether should be close to spherical one due to the surface, or better to say hypersurface, tension. The strong attraction between the forming particles of the ether might be exist to adhere it all together in one place. Otherwise we couldn't say about the ether as a media. Certainly, there is the strong repulsive interaction among the particles of the ether as well when the distance between them is less some critical value. Meanwhile the average density of these particles is assumed to be constant. For brevity we call the region filled by the ether gathered the universe and the border of the universe the world.

  2. The last term was chosen because the border as the 3D hypersurface of the universe is supposed to have one important feather. It can penetrate the light. So we couldn't say that the ether is light-carrying itself but only its border. The explanation will be done elsewhere. Here we could point out to the analogy with the surface waves on the fluid when it perturbed somewhat. It means that we are bound to observe only one world of our Universe. The waves in the bulk of the ether, if any, are proposed to be unobservable.

  3. The number of universes can vary from one to infinity. In the first case there is only our Universe but it is hardly imagine that it is so in the infinite space. Even if the 4D space would be non-Euclidean and closed itself there isn't any reason to accept this point of view in 4D-ether model. Therefore we are bound to adopt the existence of a great many of universes. They all are unobservable from our Universe by determination.

    The size of the universe can vary too. Without any doubt our Universe is enormous but there should be as the greater universes as the lesser one. The smallest universe is the single particle of the ether. We choose the Anaxagor's term of apeiron to designate it.

    The universes can move. The mutual velocities of the universes are uncertain and can vary too. While the light as the perturbation of the ether surface can penetrate with the only one velocity, and no fundamental particles and bodies can exceed it, the velocity of the universe in empty space is unrestricted at all and may be as large as one can imagine. Of cause, if one would admit the existence of universes of higher dimension then four, there might be the margin velocity, but there are not any direct methods for us to detect anything regarding other universes.

  4. As the possibility of the mutual movement of the universes is assumed, there are a number of scenarios to be proposed. First of all the universes may collide each other. The case without collisions at low universe density is not so interesting. When the velocity of the universe with respect to the other one is not very large these two universes adhere together and form one universe. There is the great tension along the surface of its coincidence appeared due to the fact that the surface tension is dependant from the curvature of the surface. It evolves that the region of the coincidence spreads for a short time. The universe with the less size diminishes also because its surface tension is greater and the ether rushes from it into the big universe. It looks like the big universe adsorbs the small one. The visible effect after such interaction may produce the strong explosion as the pumped bubble. Under some circumstances, a universe should have ability to divide itself1).

  5. Another case occurs when the relative velocity of two universes is very big. Then one of them makes the orifice in another universe, certainly, if the size of the latter is greater. Otherwise, the orifice will be made in it. The depth of the orifice depends from the value of the velocity. In some cases, there may be the hole through the whole universe. When the depth of the orifice is not very large, the "alien" universe may push back like a drop of water falling down on the pool. Because the force of the surface tension in the 4D case assumed to be greater then in 3D, the velocity of the alien universe after collision sometimes may be exceed the initial velocity. Such increasing may be the cause of the existence of the high-speed universes. Certainly, they may contain the ether taken after the mixture of two collided universes.

  6. Let us consider the colliding process of the universes on the example of our Universe. We must exclude the case when there were not any collisions at all during the time of the Universe exist. What happens when the alien universe rushed through the Universe? There are a number of possibilities to point out. The great strength caused by surface tension would be affected on the holes side trying to make it smaller. The velocities of holes side movement can exceed the velocity of light and the hole collapses. It looks like an explosion with the throwing a big amount of pieces of the ether as into outside of the Universe as into inside. The latter case will be caused the same process with these pieces at the smaller scale and so on. The process of creating new pieces will stop when its velocities would be slowing down up to certain level or when its sizes would be equal to these of apeiron. It means that the single apeiron could make a tiny hole into the Universe. We have to assume that this hole can exist for a long time only when there is a counterforce against the force of surface tension. We can make the next assumption that there is such counterforce which nature is to be determining further. One idea in that direction is that there is a tiny vortex to be forming from the hole. Other one is that the line defect in the structure of apreiron quasicrystal state of ether is creating. That formation may considered as a string in some approximation.

  7. Now we could name every stage in that cascade of explosions. If the blowing universe is rather large, it creates the galaxy kernel. The pieces of the ether at the next stages create the stars, the planets and the other visible matter. At the end there stand so-called fundamental particles. The leptons are predicted to be created from the apeiron high-speed movement through the whole Universe. The barions seemed to be formed from the groups of apeirons or biased particles from the leptons. The bias at the latter case is assumed to be at the ether's depth of the primarily vortices that is proposed to be electrons, positrons and muons. It may be knots, ties and so on. Such particle as neutrino may be represented by the piece of the string turned into the ring. If it occurs to have an ability to move into the depth of the ether, it would be very hard to fix it on the surface. In such a manner we have the whole scale of the "visible" matter starting from galaxy and ending to leptons. It has been used the attribute of "visible" to stress out that it participates in adsorbing and emitting process with light and to distinguish it from the invisible, or dark, matter which is nothing else but the ether in our terms. When the striking universe is not so large a star or some smaller nebula objects in the form of supernova elapsed.

  8. The other aspect of the ether movement we have to consider is about the rotation. By the way, in four-dimension space the rotation may be treated as the rotation about the plane rather then the axis as in three dimensions. There might be rotation of the universe evolved in the interaction process with other universes. For example, it may be the side impact instead of central one under the right angle. In such a case the rotation will be lessen the surface tension force acting on the ether's world and the form of the universe will be more like splashed ellipsoid or even 4D torus. If the plane of rotation of this universe by accidence will be normal to the world of our Universe and its velocity will be rather high, the rotational moment can transfer at the impact to the hole making it more stable. It may occur when the centrifugal force equals the surface tension force. Then the orifice is called the "black" hole. It might be a rare case because of the angle between the rotation plane and the normal to the world. In majority, such hole has the form of ellipsoid in the section and the collapse along its long axle occurs. As a result, the spiral galaxy like our Milky Way would be created. If there was a side impact, the dust galaxy seems to display because the perturbation of the Universe was not so strong. In addition, when the other universe is softly adsorbed by our Universe like a bubble we would expect to observe the galaxy looked like Sombrero one.

  9. It is hardly imagining that our Universe rotates. However, if it is so the trace of the all perturbations caused by the impacts with other universes will point us. Really this trace in the form of relict radiation is seems to have anomaly in its angle distribution as it fixed by the Hubble telescope. The wave length of this radiation that equals 21 cm may be connected with the basic properties of the apeirons about which we can't say anything while now. Another effect might be predicted from the model is as follows. If the world is round, we could see our own image. Not like in the mirror when we see ours front but ours back. If there aren't any obstacles on the light way we could see even a series of our images corresponding to the past stages of our history as so as the images of some other nebula objects.

  10. At the end let us to endeavor to elucidate such notions like mass, charge, spin. Firstly, we must determine what the gravity in the frame of that model is. In our previous work [1]> we had been undertaken an attempt to show that the motion of the any 'visible' particle is caused by the tilt of the string which is the approximation of the 'real' particle, the vortex in the ether. The same motion are to be waited when the straight string, i.e. string without tilt with respect to the average border level, will be on the tilted world due to the some body situated next to the string. It is proposed that the body induces the curvature in the world. Its vortex surface is to be smooth when it comes out from the ether to the world. Therefore the string on that surface will be forced to move due to different values of surface tension on the different sides of the string. Therefore the nature of the motion in the "gravitation field" is laid down not in the curvature of the world itself but in the surface, more exactly hypersurface, effects. The mass is the characteristic parameter of this effect. The more a mass of the body, the more tilt of the surface it caused, and the more the surface effect. It doesn't matter what is tilted, a string with respect to surface or a surface with respect to string. The effect is the same: the string is moving. Therefore, an initial mass is equal to gravitational one.

  11. As it is known the electromagnetic interaction between the fundamental particles are followed from the existence of electric and magnetic fields. But what are these fields in the ether model? We tell it without any prove here but can only postulate that some kind of the ether motion into the universe causes the appearance of these fields. From experiment it is known that the charged particle produces electric field around. So we may expect that it is due to flow stream from inside of the hidden part of the vortex tube onto the surface or vice versa, from the surface into inside. The direction of the flow determines the direction of interaction of this stream with streams produced by other vortices and hence its sign of charge. Knowing nothing about the apeiron properties we may only assume that the flow stream dependant by them is persistent. It is as so as concerned of the magnetic moment and the spin of the particle. Being a tiny vortex the particle has its rotational moment which could interact with the magnetic field created by surrounding vortices with magnetic moment. The more detailed picture of the 4D-ether electrodynamics is to be published elsewhere.

  12. At the conclusion we may say a few words about other interactions. The weak and strong interactions, as one may easily proposed from the model, are due to the inner ties between the fundamental vortices. These ties exist into the depth of the universe and may be either a kind of binding and similar "weak" connections without topological singularities, or a kind of knots having more variaty in 4D space compared with usual 3D one and making "strong" connection. Respectively there are different life times and energies to break for these ties. Thus the interactions mentioned above are of contact type and act on the short distances while the gravitational and electromagnetic interactions appear on the hypersurface of the universe and therefore act at long distance.

As we see the strict hierarchy of all objects of the nature could be drawing out by the ether model. All types of interactions can be treated from the unified point of view thereby.

1) Such possibility was pointed out to me by my son Andrew.

[1] V.Skorobogatov. The Light in 4D Ether Model. 2005 (in Russian)

[2] G.C.Batchelor. The Introduction to Fluid Dynamics

First published in Russian 28.12.2005